Sunday 16 September 2012

My cactus collection is growing

The big cactus was brought from Malta 4 or so years ago as a tiny oval, the year before this the other 4 new ovals showed up and this year i only got one new oval growing. Does anyone know the name of these cactuses? I would really appreciate to know. 

This years new oval, Im so happy how big it grew, last year it grew a long cactus it didn't look good at all so i cut it down in the middle of spring, and in summer i took it outside as cactuses need alot of sunlight to grow well. 

This cactus I bought in a boot market poor thing was all yellow, it looked so not healthy, but this year I had 3 flowers. 
What is the name of this cactus? I grew it out of a cut-in i got from a bigger cactus, I prefer to grow my own plant from a cut-in as you see how they grow and change.

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